BOROUGH Хаад Бэлэг…
цус маш их дараа, хөлс, болон нулимс…сайн магадгүй ямар ч цус, нулимс, гэхдээ бага зэрэг хөлс Хаха, болон сэтгэл их Ухаан нь холимог зовниж байна, судалгаа, бодож, төлөвлөлт, sleepless late nights, early mornings, but most of all a lot of hard work on BOROUGH Хаад. I have decided to use all that effort into also opening a shop. Тэгэхээр, my lifestyle brand Borough Kings presents BOROUGH. A great place to shop for the latest fashions and latest trends across the planet.
BOROUGH currently focuses mainly on clothing, apparel, and other things of that nature. I plan to expand BOROUGH Хаад into a global empire, but as for now I’m slowly, but surely building this lifestyle brand from the ground up. In the near future BOROUGH will eventually expand into a full-blown marketplace to appeal to everyone as the go to place for any type of product or merchandise.
Borough Kings Social Media
I would suggest adding or following Borough Kings if you do not have BK on other social media platforms. You will be missing out on additional content. You can find Borough Kings on these platforms below:
Instagram: @boroughkings
Twitter: @boroughking
Founder’s Social Media
Below are also a few links if you would like to add the founder (yours truly) of Borough Kings
Instagram: @jmafw
Twitter: @jmafw
Snapchat: jmafw
Please rep the movement #boroughkings! In time I will hold contest and give away some free Borough Kings apparel so stay tuned for that on all social outlets. Below is a collection of some of the stuff I’m talking about (You can also view The Borough’s products on the official Borough Kings Facebook page as well).
BOROUGH is powered by Shopify so my shop is fully functional and authentic. If you would like to open your own shop you can right энд. If you have any questions or ideas for new products that you would like to see on BOROUGH or if you have any questions on setting up your own shop please feel free to ask just comment below or shoot me an email at