D'firwat Dir grousszügeg ze Jidderee soll

October 9, 2016 0

generéis? De Grond, firwat soll fir jiddereen generéis ginn. Well grousszügeg an jiddereen huet seng Belounungen. Net nëmmen ass et fir Iech op der bannen gutt Gefill. Generositéit ongezwongener wuessen als Privatpersoun. It […]

Start Deng Blog an / oder Site elo

September 9, 2016 0

If you want to start a new blog or website now with WordPress or if you already own one on a different platform or even wordpress.com it will be wise to transfer or build your […]

Borough Kings PresentsThe Borough

July 7, 2016 0

Borough Kings PresentsAfter a lot of blood, sweat, and tearswell maybe no blood or tears, but a little sweat haha, and feelings of being overwhelmed mixed with a lot brainstorming, researching, thinking, planning, sleepless […]

How Can You Conquer Fear

June 14, 2016 0

How do you conquer fear? We are all scared of something right? What do you fear? What are you scared of? Fear is nothing, but a mind game. It’s negative thoughts triggered by emotion. My […]

Inner Drive Is A Valuable Gift

June 2, 2016 0

Some of us have a great inner drive, other have a smaller one, and some don’t have one at all. Some of us get motivated and inspired fueling our inner drive to pursue things outside […]

Easy Jamaican Curry Chicken Recipe

May 5, 2016 7

If you are from the islands, have visited the islands, or even if you have an appetite for a new dish. I will share with you an Easy Jamaican Curry Chicken Recipe that I know. […]

One Man Punch Workout

April 9, 2016 39

Mir iwwerwaacht all anime an mir liesen de Mangaen…NËMMEN léiren MAN! Eng Serie vun engem Auteur ugeluecht mat dem Pseudonym One an 2009, a spéider an 2012 it was remade digitally by illustrator Yusuke […]

How to Cope with Failure

April 1, 2016 10

How do you cope with failureso how to cope with failure? We have all failed it’s a horrible feeling to fail when all we want is success. Failure takes the motivation out of us and makes […]

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