Finding loopholes throughout life can be a great way to making your dreams a reality. Society is built on the foundation which is

The SystemLoopholes

They tell you to go to school. They tell you to graduate and find a job in your field of study. And most of the time these graduates cannot get their career started in their field of study. Due to turnover rates, budgets, advancements in technology (machines taking over the work load), and experience to name a few.

How many of you are trying to apply to a company and they ask for X amount of years of experience? How are you supposed to get that experience if you have been attending school? There are internships available yes, but how are you supposed to survive off an internship that is not paid? If it is then you have to stress about actually getting the position. If you get the position more power to you! As for the rest of you not so fortunate individuals, that leaves you with the only option of working an entry level job that pays minimum wage (or a little more if lucky). If you were not working that 9-5 already while in school. Or even if you skipped college altogether. This 9-5 has little to no opportunities with everyone fighting to move up the corporate ladder. Which takes years upon years upon years to achieve.

Is it really worth it?

If you notice you are working just to survive. Even if you have a great career. And take the occasional vacation one to two times a year. Knowing that you eventually have to report back to work. What are you doing to make the world a better place? Are you truly happy with what you are doing as an individual? Do you have dreams, and if so why did you give up on them? Is it because of the trials and tribulations in life? Starting a family? Are you financially unstable? Well if you notice those are all excuses. Take initiative and invest in your dreams today. If you invest fifteen plus hours a day into your dreams or even if you put a minute in you are still putting in the work. If you do not take risks then you cannot make your dreams a reality. You got to work harder then before to make things happen.Loopholes

Do not get me wrong I graduated from college. I’m currently working a 9-5. I’ve been been working a 9-5 for a few years. Can I say I am happy? No, not really. This is my life I have my own dreams. I want to help people, but I don’t want to slave away building up someone else’s dreams.

The world is too big there is so much to see, so much do to be tied down to one thing. To be truly successful in anything. You have to be willing to learn. If you cannot get into college do not and I repeat do not think that is your only option. There are a lot of successful people who did not go to college or ended up dropping out and are just fine. Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, Curtis “50 CentJackson, SeanJay-ZCarter to name a few are or were successful people who did not need a college education to make it to the top.

Listen to Jay Shetty inspire you here with a take from Steve Jobs here:

Here is a mix of inspiration from 50 Cent and Jay-Z everyone has their own story. No one comes up the same way. You cannot judge anyone for what they do because you are no better than anyone else.

Look for those loopholes

Everything has loopholes and I cannot stress that enough! If you notice the scenario I mentioned above it is all a system created by humans just like you. In earlier times no one worked for themanwe hunted for ourselves to survive. Everything was established since then. Why follow society’s standards which was created by another man? When you can establish your own foundation. Build your own empire.
Find your loophole though the black and white perspective. Look at life within the shades of gray. It is always greener on the other side.Loopholes

Now let’s not get it twisted. I am talking about loopholes not shortcuts. Shortcuts never teach us anything they are cheats. If you take the long harder way you will learn more, get more experience, and grow stronger as an individual. Cheating in life only brings shortcomings.Loopholes

Loopholes on the other hand is seeing all the irregularities and mistakes in a system. If you are smarter than the average bear and can see things that others can’t you will be a few steps ahead. It’s all strategy if you really think about it. You have to look at the big picture and notice all the little pieces that make up that scene.

Dream big, smile, laugh, hope, pray, listen, adapt, learn, plan, research, network, workout, do what you love, surround yourself with like minded people, travel, explore, and love.