We all update our operating systems regularly. However, this means that we sometimes encounter issues and issues. If you tried to update your OS Windows 10 to Windows 10 and got the Xbox error code 0x803f8001, this is what you have to do. www webroot com safe
What is it about?
This is an error code for operating systems that is often encountered when you attempt upgrading your computer. The error code appears with the message “Something Went Wrong: Error Code 0x803f8001” or “Do you have this game or application? Error Code: 0x803f8001”. If you see this error display, you can follow our step-by-step guide to resolve the issue directly in front of your eyes.
If error code 0x803f8001 could be observed?
The most frequent place that the Windows error code of 0x803f8001 may be encountered and the messages those accompany it when you attempt to play a game, or when you attempt to download an application via Windows Store. Windows Store. Another reason you could be receiving this error message is when you update any app that is available from the store. It could be difficult to download or install a game or application when you encounter this Windows error code the number 0x803f8001. www webroot com secure
Possible Causes Windows Error The error code is 0x803f8001.
As previously mentioned below are possible causes for experiencing the Xbox error code 0x803f8001.
You didn’t log in to the game you downloaded in order to connect to Xbox
The game isn’t installed on the console however it is on a disk with the game
Files corrupted in the system downloaded by third-party software as well as interfering with the system file
Cache in Windows Store
Windows Store is out of out of Windows Store
Xbox service has been shut down
Older drivers for graphic cards
Playing an earlier version of the game
A malware or virus infection.
Solutions to solve Xbox error 0x803f8001.
Method 1: Basic Checks
Install your antivirus software and look for any viruses
Make sure that you Xbox Live service is active and functioning
Verify that you are successfully registered for the game you’re trying to play.Also, you must configure the Xbox as a home console for an additional user, in case the game was bought by another person.
This game must be available on the console, not disc
Play the game you’ve completed successfully in the past and then check whether you’re still receiving the error code 0x803f8001.
Method 2: Run System File Checker
Hold Windows Key + R to start a command prompt
Enter “sfc/scannow” and press Enter
Your computer will start an integrated file checker when you run this command. Examine the results to determine the damaged files that could cause the error.
Method 3: Cycle Xbox One. Cycle Xbox One
Hold and press the white button on the Xbox for a couple of minutes to switch off the Xbox.
Unplug your PC from the main computer and then wait for 15 seconds maximum
Plug it back in and switch off your Xbox to see whether the error has been fixed.
Method 4: Update all windows services
Hit Win + S and launch the search bar.
In the search bar
Click on “Updates and Security’ to view the results of your search
Select Windows Updates.
Click on ‘Check For Upates’
Make sure that the updates are completed and then confirm that the error code 0x803f8001 has been fixed. www webroot com secure
Method 5: Uninstall/Reinstall Apps
Use Win+S to open the search bar.
Input your name and the title of the application which is causing this error into the search bar.
Choose ‘Uninstall’, and allow the application to be removed completely
After the uninstallation has been completed Open Windows Store
Enter the name of the app into the search bar again and click on “Install”
The Xbox error code 0x803f8001 can be resolved using any of the solutions listed below. However, if the issue persists, you might need to perform a hard reset also. If you call our customer service team to help resolve the issue in a short time.