Emotions Are What Make Us Human

març 4, 2017 0

Sharing your Emotions? Sharing your feelings are difficult. The fear of being looked down upon can be crippling. Question, what would happen if the cooped up emotions you are harboring were released? Excreting feelings can […]

Finding Loopholes in Life

març 8, 2016 0

Finding loopholes throughout life can be a great way to making your dreams a reality. Society is built on the foundation which isThe SystemThey tell you to go to school. They tell you […]

What Qualities Make a Great Leader?

febrer 23, 2016 2

In life we are surrounded by all types of people. There are two types of leaders the great leader that everyone loves and the type that everyone hates. The Corporate Ladder In the workplace […]

El que és Reis Borough?

febrer 8, 2016 4

Borough Kings és ara amunt en funcionament avui. Avui és Any Nou xinès / Lunar de l'any o el Mico i l'últim mes que entrem en un nou any per a tots els altres. This is the day where […]


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